Diksha for a Specific Devata Sadhana

Diksha and mantra upadesha for a specific devata will be given after checking if the person is aligned to get materialistic or spiritual progress from that devata sadhana. The diksha and mantra upadesha will be performed in traditional method, by proper Kalashabhisheka by invoking energy of the devata, having the aspirant perform oblations in fire of Homa for the devata and giving upadesha of how to perform sadhana of the devata.


This is a sacred ceremony, organized once a year. Upanayanam will be done without any caste based restrictions, so that anyone interested in following the sampradaya can perform upanayanam. It is done in traditional way, and those interested should be present at the center for atleast two days to complete the ceremonies associated with Upanayanam. It includes accepting of Yagnopavita (sacred thread) from Guru, mantra upadesha of Gayatri and teaching of Sandhya vandanam.

The assistance is not limited to giving diksha and guidance on sadhana. Those interested can learn the puja, homa and tantra padathi of the devata. Srividya Tantra Peedom will even assist the aspirant in performing Purascharana and other key events in Tantra sadhana.

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